1 (800) 224-3595

Specialized Testing & Support Services

Evidence Collection & Long-Term Storage Management

The secure, climate controlled facilities at Forensic Analysis & Engineering allow us to assist you in evidence collection and long-term storage management. Our experienced project managers will represent your interests, ensuring that the quality of evidence and materials are collected, transported and then maintained in the condition it was received. This attentiveness translates to cost savings and operational efficacy that will guarantee the success and readiness of your evidence when you need it. Our warehouse is equipped to maintain the nature of the evidence, and is handled in a manner which eliminates all doubt that the evidence could have been accidentally or deliberately altered or substituted.

Related Proficiencies:

  • Indexing of evidence
  • Digitizing (photographing or scanning) of documents
  • Evidence Disposal

Product Design & Operational Verification

Forensic Analysis & Engineering provides professional engineering services in matters involving product design and operational verification through meticulously review to identify attributes of risk with the potential to lead to failure. The design and operational verification consultation includes Product Design & Operational Verification: The design and operational verification consultation includes analysis and modification of modes of failure, causes of failure, product usages at times of failure and comparative analysis of similar product failures. Forensic Analysis & Engineering provides each client with thorough, cost-effective consultation with each product design case. Products are carefully inspected both visually and under instrumentation to determine how design or operations needs to be modified.

Related Proficiencies:

  • Product Defect
  • Product Liability
  • Mechanical Equipment Operations
product design1

Forensic Lab Material & Component Testing

Forensic Analysis & Engineering is focused on providing clients with all the facts and establishing why during investigations. Our team of laboratory specialists can identify different substances within a test sample through gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. With our latest technological advances, we are able to detect, quantify, and identify any chemicals and materials necessary. Our specialists will be able to provide you with a full and thorough report of the findings after the testing services are complete. Forensic Analysis & Engineering is also happy to provide expert witness services during any litigation process.

Related Proficiencies:

  • Hair & Fiber Comparison
  • Mold / Mildew Collection & Analysis
material testing

Incident Simulations

Simulations of incidents, whether it is a vehicular accident or a personal injury, can greatly demonstrate and give insight to the cause of the incident. At Forensic Analysis & Engineering, we use simulation software tools that adhere to industry standards, including HVE, PC Crash and others. When a case requires incident simulations, our experts are able to use these tools to generate a simulation which is consistent with scene evidence. Our experts are also adept at expert testimony and can present the facts, evidence, and assumptions of the incident simulation in court, if allowed. Our incident simulations are verifiable and widely accepted.

Related Proficiencies:

  • Accident Reconstruction
  • Ballistic Trajectory / GSR Pattern Analysis
  • Computerized Forensic Examinations
incident simulations

Computerized Forensic Evaluations

Forensic Analysis & Engineering has a team of digital forensic examiners on staff to assist in any computerized forensic examination. Our certified digital forensic examiners are able to assist in the preservation, identification, extraction, interpretation, or documentation of any computer evidence.

At FAEC, we are capable of examining and analyzing three types of data: active, archival, and latent. We also offer professional video production and post-production services, utilizing the latest in computer and video technology. Whether it is as simple as copying data or complex as unbricking a hard drive, the experts at FAEC can help you with your computerized forensic cases.

Related Proficiencies:

  • Copyright infringement / Intellectual property
  • Computer, Cellphone, PDA and Network Examinations
  • Piracy
  • Corruption & Fraud
  • Decryption
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Ballistic Trajectory / GSR Pattern Analysis

Forensic Analysis & Engineering’s firearm and ballistic experts are able to assist in cases involving ballistic trajectory and gunshot residue (GSR) pattern analysis. Our experts will match a bullet to a specific firearm with a high degree of accuracy through leading edge, accepted forensic scientific processes. FAEC provides years of expert experience examining the dynamics, angular movement, and effects of the projectile objects. Our process includes determining bullet caliber, identifying specific firearm manufacturer & model, and identifying a specific firearm through meticulous analysis of the projectile. Our firearm experts have years of experience examining and analyzing various types of GSR including burnt, unburnt or semi-burnt particles. Using both ballistic trajectory examinations and GSR pattern analysis, FAEC can match the evidence left at a crime scene to a specific gun.

Related Proficiencies:

  • Fiber & Hair Comparisons
    Forensic Lab Testing
    Human Fluids Evaluation
    Personal Injury

Graphic Demonstrations

Graphic demonstrations show the progression of an incident or the specific mechanisms of a piece of equipment that failed. In lieu of the actual piece of machinery, the graphic experts at Forensic Analysis & Engineering can assist you in demonstrations to illustrate a new design, a failure, or even an incident. FAEC’s graphic demonstration services include 3D graphics, site mapping, and other industry-accepted and court-approved methods. If necessary, expert testimony is also one of our specialties as our experts have acted as key expert witnesses for countless cases.

Related Proficiencies:

  • Accident Reconstruction
  • Incident Simulations
  • Computer Graphics and Simulation
  • Videographic Scene Documentation
  • Computerized Forensic Examinations
graphic demonstration

Patent Research / Infringement Analysis

Forensic Analysis & Engineering’s experienced patent research and infringement managers will represent your interests, ensuring that your patent is properly protected or to research supporting materials regarding the infringement. FAEC’s team of multi-disciplined experts, engineers, and scientists provides the professional acumen needed in order to consult and assist in your patent infringement or intellectual property case. Our experts and engineers have years of experience with cases dealing with prior patent searches, a products patentability, changes in order to avoid infringement, prosecutions of infringement or breach of intellectual property, analysis of patent or infringement documents. Our professional staff will provide you with the facts and insights necessary for you to fully assess your case and potential outcomes. FAEC has acted as a key expert witness for countless cases involving patent infringement.

Related Proficiencies:
On and Off-Site Data Acquisition
Litigation Support
Intellectual Property
Federal, State and Local Code Compliance
Original Product Design Modifications

patent research

Fiber & Hair Comparisons

Our fiber analysis cases include analyzing natural fibers, blended fabrics, synthetics, polyesters, and other materials. Forensic Analysis & Engineering has experience in providing fiber analysis services to the insurance, legal, industrial and private sectors. Techniques in fiber analysis include microscopic examination of both longitudinal and cross-sectional characteristics of a sample as well as burning and solubility methods. Using the latest technology, experts at Forensic Analysis & Engineering are capable of scanning electron microscopy or atomic force microscopy to fulfill any fiber analysis need. We provide thorough, comprehensive reporting with full-color pictures that will enable you to settle your case quickly with the clear facts you need.

Related Proficiencies:

  • Forensic Lab Testing
  • Gas Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry
  • Material / Metallurgical Engineering
fiber analysis

Asset Risk Management

Risk management is becoming more and more prevalent in the corporate world each year. Today, 98 percent of businesses perceive risk management process as important. Forensic Analysis & Engineering will help you identify, assess, and prioritize any risks in your business. Our team of engineers and experts will coordinate their efforts with you in order to minimize, monitor, and control the probability and impact of unfortunate events. Additionally, we will work with you to implement a risk management plan to maximize the realization of your business opportunities. FAEC’s risk management experts will work with you every step of the way in order to ensure your community facility and assets are well represented.

Related Proficiencies:

  • Premise Liability
  • Worksite Injuries and Accidents
  • Code Compliance
  • Personal Injury
  • Remediation Recommendations
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