Establishing “Why” Since 1966
In recent years computer forensics has quietly been utilized to resolve cases that would otherwise may have gone unsolved. Computers and digital devices are capable of retaining data and play an integral part in modern society. Criminals are now using these devices to commit offenses ranging from identity theft to drug trafficking. Because of these threats, the science of computer forensics is being looked to in more investigations.
The digital information recovered through forensic investigations can provide evidence of motivation, a chronology of events, insight into an offender’s interests and activities, and links among multiple offenders. The use of computer forensics has become an integral tool in criminal investigations.
Using forensic software, a good analyst can closely recreate the date and key stroke activity that occurred on the computer. Some software programs even have a timeline program that creates a report showing when files were created, modified and deleted. The deleted files may still exist on the hard drive while portions of files can be in slack space or free space. Unfortunately the experts may not be able to recover all deleted files, but the more recent the deletion, the more likely the expert can recover the file because it likely will not have been overwritten. Additionally, deleted e-mail can often be recovered as well. Forensic examiners can cross-check over multiple versions of a file against backups they find and determine when changes were made and what was changed. This can lead to very important historical information that may be beneficial to a particular side in an investigation.
A quick internet search can lead to hundreds of people who claim to be qualified in computer forensics. But truly capable forensic experts who have been proven in court proceedings are rare which makes finding the right computer forensic expert difficult. The certified digital forensic examiners at Forensic Analysis & Engineering are court qualified and have proven their professionalism in the unbiased preservation, identification, extraction, interpretation, or documentation of any computer evidence. Our experts are capable of examining, recovering, and analyzing the three types of data: active, archival, and latent. We are also well versed in copyright infringement; computer, cellphone, PDA and network examinations; piracy; corruption and fraud; and decryption. Regardless of the complexity of the case, the experts at FAEC can help you with your computerized forensic investigational needs.
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