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Are You Ready To Be Blasted?

Are You Ready To Be Blasted?

Establishing “Why” Since 1966

28 million people in 7 states are in the areas currently experiencing blizzard like conditions today through Wednesday with deep snow accumulations and hurricane like winds as Winter Storm Juno approaches. In addition to heavy snowfall,

Identifying Earthquake Damage

Identifying Earthquake Damage

Establishing “Why” Since 1966

Recently, Connecticut has been shaken by 12 earthquakes. Although they are considered low magnitude, these earthquakes can cause serious structural problems. Buildings are designed to withstand the downward pull of gravity, yet earthquakes shake a building in all directions up, down, and most damagingly sideways.

Slips, Trips & Falls by the Numbers

Slips, Trips & Falls by the Numbers

Establishing “Why” Since 1966

You are probably aware that slip and fall incidents are a major cause for lost work days. But did you know that slip and fall accidents account for 65% of lost work days, and 70% of those incidents occurred on flat surfaces? Additionally, workman’s compensation and medical bills from slip and fall incidents cost $70 million annually.

Vehicle Crashes – Who is at Fault?

Vehicle Crashes – Who is at Fault?

Establishing “Why” Since 1966

As the holidays approach more and more people will take to the road to visit friends and family. It is at this time we must remain alert, aware of our surroundings, and keep our loved ones safe. But sometimes no matter how safely you may be driving, collisions can occur due to the unpredictable actions of those around you, cellular texting, unforeseen mechanical failures, or other unavoidable road hazards.

Top Signs Your House is Haunted

Top Signs Your House is Haunted

Establishing “Why” Since 1966

It’s that time of year when ghosts and goblins come out to play and you have children knocking on your door in their spookiest costumes. Perhaps you are starting to believe you have ghosts lurking in your home. Erie sounds, chilling breezes, and flickering lights can all make you think you have an uninvited supernatural guest.

Do Your Walls Look Like This?

Do Your Walls Look Like This?

Establishing “Why” Since 1966

You never know what could be lurking inside your walls. Mold has always been a common occurrence in residential homes. Only recently people have become more concerned about its existence in their living and work spaces. Ironically new efficient building practices are conducive to mold growth because of their restriction of air flow.

How to Determine Fire Origin

How to Determine Fire Origin

Establishing “Why” Since 1966

According to the National Fire Protection Association, about 100,000 residential fires occur in the United States annually which equates to 1 every 5 minutes. The causation of these fires are vast and range from intentional arson to lightning strikes and include the leading cause of fire, cooking equipment. Determining the cause of fire is not always easy and can be deceptive.

How Geotechnical Engineering Affects You

How Geotechnical Engineering Affects You

Establishing “Why” Since 1966

How often do you drive over a bridge, through a tunnel, or on a winding road with retaining walls? How many times have you heard of a home “settling” with cracked walls? Perhaps you live in an area where sinkholes are occurring more often. These frequent occurrences may seem to have nothing in common, but all are directly related to geotechnical engineering.

Computer Forensics Thwarts Criminal Activity

Computer Forensics Thwarts Criminal Activity

Establishing “Why” Since 1966

In recent years computer forensics has quietly been utilized to resolve cases that would otherwise may have gone unsolved. Computers and digital devices are capable of retaining data and play an integral part in modern society. Criminals are now using these devices to commit offenses ranging from identity theft to drug trafficking. Because of these threats, the science of computer forensics is being looked to in more investigations.

Product Defects, Equipment Failure & Employee Safety

Product Defects, Equipment Failure & Employee Safety

Establishing “Why” Since 1966

One of the most important responsibilities employers have is to maintain the safety of their employees. In 2012 there were about 3 million reported cases of employees being injured on the job. Of those cases, over 900,000 were categorized as lost time injuries. Additionally, almost 5 thousand people lost their lives due to work related accidents.

Biomechanics and Vehicle Accidents

Biomechanics and Vehicle Accidents

Establishing “Why” Since 1966

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, there are over 10 million car accidents that occur in the United States each year. You most likely drive past these car accidents frequently. The cause of these accidents are not always clear and may be difficult to analyze. Fortunately biomechanics can be used to understand the impact accidents have on the human body.

Hurricane Season Threatens The East Coast

Hurricane Season Threatens The East Coast

Establishing “Why” Since 1966

The 2014 Atlantic hurricane season runs from June 1 to Nov. 30. So far the season has been relatively calm. But no one knows what Mother Nature has in store for the rest of the season. Each year devastating winds and relentless rain pounds the east coast, Gulf of Mexico, and Caribbean causing millions to lose power and thousands to lose their homes.